Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow.

Isaiah 1:17

Defending, Rescuing, and Restoring Orphans and Widows

Inspired by Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ

and what he accomplished on our behalf, the mission of Global Orphans and Widows is to vigorously fulfill the role of Kinsman Redeemer by defending, rescuing, and restoring orphans and widows in their distress, and equipping others to do the same.

What is a Kinsman Redeemer?

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our projects

Kenya Mission Trip (Africa) Africa

Kenya Mission Trip (Africa)



Raise funds for an OR kit and ultrasound machine to serve women in Kenya


Grant is to help cover expenses for medical devices to serve women in an area where resources are limited. Dr. Carolyn is traveling there from NC. Goal is $ 5,000.00

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Palliative Care Program (Kachhwa) India

Palliative Care Program (Kachhwa)



Trying to offer people home-based care for those that are suffering from terminal illnesses


The Kachhwa team works in approximately a 15 mile radius of the hospital. They are currently caring for (106) patients. Care is for HIV, Cancer and other long-term illnesses. Grant is for $ 6,000.00

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Pediatric Ward Addition (Pakistan)

Pediatric Ward Addition (Pakistan)



Currently there is no dedicated area to care for children


Provide a ward dedicated to pediatrics by refurnishing an upstairs storage room and upgrading an existing area specifically for pediatrics. Goal is $ 20,000

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Pediatric Ward New Equipment (Pakistan) Pakistan

Pediatric Ward New Equipment (Pakistan)



Linked to another grant - a new pediatrics ward - this grant is focused on updating critical equipment


Update the capacity and technology of all equipment used in the pediatric ward. Specifications for this upgrade will be updated shortly. Goal is $ 10,000

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WNC Helene Grant USA

WNC Helene Grant



Since GOW's inception, we believe the Bible directs us to care for the local church first. With that said, this grant is 100% devoted to help the WNC Helene flood victims.


100% of money given to this fund will go to WNC flood victims. Furthermore, at our end of year dinner 33% of all proceeds raised from our silent auction and dinner will be given to WNC. May God unite and restore lost souls through the disaster relief. Goal: $ 25,000

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our focus GOW is active in the following geographies:

  • 31 Million Orphans
  • 1/6 of Residents Live in a Slum
  • 10 Million Bonded Laborers
  • 4 Million Orphans
  • 50% Don't have any living Kin
  • 5.1 Million children are out of school

The children are just like our children. Only with a lot, lot less opportunities. They love to run. They love to play. They love to learn. And they long for someone to love them. They are just like our children.

Zack Guthrie

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

1 Corinthians 13

My heart has always been drawn to orphans and children in need, as well as widows. When I heard that GOW worked directly through their ministry in supporting and helping these women and children, I knew I had to be a part of that. And after traveling to India to see firsthand the impact of this ministry, I was deeply touched. I saw firsthand that GOW was having a major role in raising up lives that otherwise would have been discarded in the harsh reality of the life of the poor and forgotten in this nation.

Jennifer Humphrey

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

James Chapter 1
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