“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” – Romans 12:12
Put in a search for the word ‘Pray’ in Bible Gateway and you’ll get back over 300 results worth of Bible verses. It’s almost like God’s trying to tell us something about the importance of prayer. Bringing requests to God not only for us but for others and having others bring requests on our behalf is powerful. We at GOW recognize the significant role prayer plays in our ministry and decided to start meeting on a regular basis to not only pray for our sponsors overseas but with them as well. Our inaugural prayer meeting was held at 6:30 am on Wednesday, May 5th, and GOW president Zack Guthrie was joined by our board members (Robert, Bob, Lynn, and John) as well as our sponsors in Pakistan!
Zack and the board will continue to meet monthly and spend time in prayer.